The museum’s annual Canyon River Runners community art show invited regional artists of all mediums and skill levels to contribute their work for display and sale, if desired. Artists from Green River, Moab, La Sal, Price, and beyond submitted sculptures, paintings, drawings, and photography related to river running, desert canyons, local fauna and the landscapes of the Colorado Plateau. Ribbons and prizes were awarded for each entry level and category thanks to small entry participant entry fees and visitor donations. Dozens of artists participated in the show each year.
The museum also partnered with Book Cliff Elementary and Green River High Schools to showcase student artwork.
Art by Serena Supplee
“The show is an awesome opportunity for both locals and regional artists of all experience levels to exhibit their work, and the low entry free makes it accessible and an easy way to support our fantastic museum. It’s also a great introduction to the arts for local children."
Grace Whatley, artist
Tuesday through Saturday, 10:00am – 5:00pm
Adults (18+)
Seniors (62+)
Children (7-17)
Free admission for children under 7, museum members, and Green River residents.
1765 E Main Street PO Box 387 Green River, UT 84525