A professional river guide since the ‘60s, Dee Holladay has pioneered many whitewater safety techniques, camping techniques, and wilderness ethics that have been adopted for use in management plans by the National Park Service and the Bureau of Land Management. Dee has always stressed the importance of environmental responsibility as a guide and educator. In his years as a river guide he has been at the forefront advocating smaller group sizes and controlled access to fragile areas. As an education he has organized one of the few river guide workshops in the western states where guides learn wilderness ethics and the history, geology, flora, and fauna of the western wilderness.
In his early years of river running Dee decided that the smell and sound of motors was an inappropriate element to be found in a river canyon. He quit running with motors and to this day is the only completely non-motorized outfitter in many of the areas where he runs.
Over the years Dee has built and ran replicas of some of the historic boats that have pioneered the Green and Colorado Rivers. Many of these boats are now on display here and in other museums. Dee’s passion for the wilderness is undiminished as he continues to spend every season out doing what he loves the most…sharing the river with anyone curious enough to come along.
Tuesday through Saturday, 10:00am – 5:00pm
Adults (18+)
Seniors (62+)
Children (7-17)
Free admission for children under 7, museum members, and Green River residents.